Who gets the surcharge? The owner of the ATM determines how the surcharge
revenue is distributed.
How much is the surcharge? The average surcharge is $2.50, but can be set at any
amount, depending on limitations set by the law in your area. Without limitations,
surcharge is determined by the ATM Owner.
When do I get my money? The money dispensed by the ATM (vault cash) and the
surcharge revenue are deposited into your account via the Federal Reserve the next
business day. Funds from Monday will be available on Tuesday; Tuesday's on
Wednesday; & Thursday's on Friday. Weekend transactions that on Friday (occur
after normal processor business hours), Saturday, and Sunday deposit on Monday.
What happens when someone does not get enough money? This is extremely
rare, but if this does happen, the customer should call their bank to verify the
completion of the transaction on their account. If a withdrawal was made from the
account and you did not get the money, a "Regulation E Claim" should be filed with
the issuer of the card. ATM Express should be contacted with continued problems.
Our toll free phone number is on the ATM surcharge sticker. NEVER give the
customer money; you may not get it back!!
What happens when the ATM does not work? Contact your local representative.
What are my expenses? If you purchase or lease an ATM you will need to pay one-
time charges for the ATM or your monthly lease payment. The ATM will require an
Internet connection and a standard electrical outlet. One roll of receipt paper is
provided with the machine and typically lasts 5-6 months; additional rolls will be
provided based on the contact terms.
Are there additional expenses not covered here? No.
There are no additional statement fees, service charges, or transaction fee.
How Does An ATM
Transaction Work